27 posts tagged with "blog"
Sculpting a Narrative
Intuitively editing generated texts
Created for Reading and Writing Electronic Text, Allison Parrish || Github Repository My previous experiments have focused on using the…
Noting the Details

for Adjacent No. 10, Ecoscope
I wrote a piece for ITP’s online journal, Adjacent. Published March 2023. Notes becomes an archive of your lost words, of all the moments…
Field Notes ~ SFMOMA

Lights & Sound
Conversation Pieces Conversation Pieces is an exhibition of modern and contemporary furniture whose forms and ideas incline them towards a…
Thesis ~ Spring Update
In which things change, again.
Welcome back, everyone. We’re in the swing of the new semester, and things have been progressing. Prototypes V1 Over the break I took the…
Resonance in Light

Gamelatrons at Heron Arts
I spent about 45 minutes wandering a single room, listening to the ringing bells, mesmerized by droplets of light and cast shadows. This…
Thesis ~ Paper
Attention is a very powerful thing. What do we pay attention to? How do we pay attention to it? Does our attention change the nature of that…
Readings ~ Community Casting
Not a Weekly Wrapup
I intended for these to be a weekly wrapup, but I’ve found myself faced with the fact that in order to do that I’d have to have: ample time…
Field Notes ~ NOWISWHENWEARE(the stars)

An experience by Andrew Schneider
I went to this with Julia Lu and Riven (Spencer) Ratanavanh for the afternoon show. Andrew Schneider is, as per usual, a very careful…
Field Notes ~ Theaster Gates

Young Lords and Their Traces
Last Friday I went to see the Theaster Gates exhibition at the New Museum, and found myself thinking about objecthood as portal to memory…
Weeklong Lookback
Things I’ve been reading, thinking about, reflections on the week.
Media Collection Didn’t have the mental energy to engage with all of the media for my classes this week … Material Metaphors - Candice Lin…
Fusion360 → Illustrator → BantamTools
An SVG workflow tutorial
Note: This tutorial is written in Nov 2022 and reflects the software as such. This is a 2D SVG tutorial, and does not address 3D or GCODE…
Thesis ~ Prototypes
What is a prototype? A prototype is something that answers a question, tests something out. ~ Pedro G. C. de Oliveira This week I did a few…
Field Notes ~ Transverse Orientation
Reflections on Transverse Orientation by Dimitris Papaioannou
I have woken from a fever dream. I have sat for an hour and 45 minutes watching men run naked in joy and agony. I have been entranced by a…
Readings ~ Attention and Memory
Naomieh Joven, Ocan Vuong, Charlie Tyrell, Fabiola Ferrero
I’m struck by the idea of attention. What do we pay attention to, and how does it change that thing? Our experience of that thing? Using…
Thesis ~ Initial Interviews
The beginning of a pipeline and collecting thoughts
Things I did this week for thesis: Set up an interviewing pipeline for folks living outside their parental/heritage culture, sent out a call…
Unreal and Experience Prototyping

A Hide and Seek Shrine
A test in experience prototyping using Unreal. While the majority of my interest lies in the creation of real-world physical installations…
Hypercinema - Listening & Hearing

Exploring the psychoacoustic and physical phoenomena of sound
What is hearing? What is listening? The Sound of Yellow (full audio available here) This piece brought me in with a warm, bright feeling…
Gatsby Post Generation
Simple bash scripting to generate Gatsby blog posts
In a classic case of ignoring XKCD’s advice, I threw together a simple script to generate Gatsby blog posts files. I’m sure other generating…
Twilio for Door Intercoms

Renters, woe no more.
Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash Long story short, the apartment building I moved into has a rather old intercom, and doesn’t support…
Tip of the Tongue 006
Lost Time and a poem about Aftermath
TOTT — A snippet of what I’ve been thinking about, pockets of content for bite-sized consumption, not quite big enough to be pieces of their…
Tip of the Tongue 005
Distraction, Game Tourism, and Recommended Reads
TOTT — A snippet of what I’ve been thinking about, pockets of content for bite-sized consumption, not quite big enough to be pieces of their…
Tip of the Tongue 004
Good Decisions, The Root of Knowledge, and more
TOTT — A snippet of what I’ve been thinking about, pockets of content for bite-sized consumption, not quite big enough to be pieces of their…
Tip of the Tongue 003
Minimalism, Personality
What is TOTT? A (hopefully) weekly snippet of what I’ve been thinking about, pockets of content for bite-sized consumption, not quite big…
Tip of the Tongue 002
Nerddom, Observance
What is TOTT? A (hopefully) weekly snippet of what I’ve been thinking about, pockets of content for bite-sized consumption, not quite big…
Tip of the Tongue 001
Being Asian American, Precision, and Habits
What is TOTT? A (hopefully) weekly snippet of what I’ve been thinking about, pockets of content for bite-sized consumption, not quite big…
Where's OpenGL?
In a moment of command-blindness today, I managed to delete my entire repo of developing projects. No harm, of course — they were all git…
Stop Being the Intern
Make your summer count
By this point, the first round of fresh-faced CS students have signed their internship offers. Others are still biting nails, waiting for…